Red Eggs for Easter…
Holy Thursday circa 2019, fresh dyed Easter eggs sitting on a bunny pedestal catching some beautiful rays of sun.
Easter preparations are in full swing here at Arlington Bakery. As I write this, I’m mentally preparing for what I hope will be a busy season.
At the top of the list is the coloring of the Easter eggs. Hundreds of eggs will be dyed red, ready for purchase, and for traditional Tsoureki sweet braided bread.
Traditionally, Orthodox Christians only dye their eggs red. But why? Research suggests that at a dinner with emperor Tiberius Caesar, Mary Magdalene discussed the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Caesar mocked Mary, stating... “no man could rise from the dead any more than the egg in her hand could turn red.” After saying this, the egg that Mary was holding immediately turned red.
On Holy Thursday, many Orthodox homes will take part in dyeing their Easter eggs. We will also offer egg dye in many colors, including red!